Dance Like Nobodies Watching/ Blog Like Everyones Reading!
How do you get over the fear of performing on stage in front of 1,000's of people?
I've never actually had stage fright but maybe it's because I've been dancing since i was 8. I find it very thrilling to perform in front of larger audiences.
However i have performed to smaller groups of people in small venues and i find that more nerve wrecking,it's weird isn't it?. However i think sometimes its a mind set.
A teacher once told me fear and excitement have the exact same feeling so if you tell your self its excitement not fear the excitement takes over and tells your mind you are happy to be there doing that. I think it really works! Like that nervous excitement you feel before a roller coaster.
The Phrase dance like nobodies watching is great! If any dancers are reading this you need to try and dance in a studio with no or very little light... it feels amazing! You get that feeling that every teacher tries so hard to get out of you! The feeling of being free, of flying and the feeling of just letting go because you feel like no body is watching!
<3 C.B.